*Please note processing time could take up to 3 days
USA: 3-7 Business Days
Canada: 5-10 Business Days
Mexico: 11-20 Business Days
Australia: 5-10 Business Days
New Zealand: 5-10 Business Days
Singapore: 3-7 Business Days
Malaysia: 3-7 Business Days
Philippines: 11-20 Business Days
Japan: 10-12 Business Days
Hong Kong: 10-12 Business Days
India: 5-15 Business Days
United Arab Emirates: 5-10 Business Days
Rest of Asia: 13-26 Business Days
United Kingdom: 5-10 Business Days
Ireland: 6-19 Business Days
Germany: 5-11 Business Days
Switzerland: 6-19 Business Days
Sweden, Belgium: 5-10 Business Days
Denmark: 10-18 Business Days
France:5-10usiness Days
Italy: 5-11 Business Days
Romania: 15-20 Business Days
Rest of Europe: 10-18 Business Days
All of South America: 5-15 Business Days
All orders will typically be dispatched within 1-3 business days from our warehouse and all orders will include tracking from dispatch to delivery. All orders will be shipped in durable packaging to ensure your purchase is not damaged during transit. We are not responsible for delays, lost or damaged shipments or orders sent to incorrect, invalid addresses or correct addresses. It is always in our best interests to make sure you receive your parcel in a timely manner and we will assist as much as possible to trace a missing parcel. We are not responsible for refunds of shipping costs in the event of delayed shipping due to product availability.
We are in no way responsible for any customs or import charges, charged to the customer by the shipping service. Please direct any shipping related inquiries to support@kokokoala.co.
Please email us at support@kokokoala.co to find out the status of your order. Typically we will respond within 24-48 hours.
Please direct any shipping related inquiries to support@kokokoala.co.